Early Career Fellowships

British Council ISPF Early Career Fellowships

Next Generation of Leaders in Responsible AI (NGARAI)

Call for Express of Interest (EoI) from Taiwan

(deadline 31 July 2024, CV to send to x.gao@mdx.ac.uk)

Middlesex University London is pleased to announce the British Council Early Career Fellowships for the 2024/25 academic year.

Apply for the Early Career Fellowships Scheme is under the International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF), managed by the UK Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology and delivered by the British Council.

In total, 4 post-doctoral early career researchers (12-month each) will be fully funded to research related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) as a visiting fellow from Taiwan.

Applicants are expected to have completed their PhD recently or are to receive PhD soon.. To promote Women in STEM initiative, female applicants have a priority.

Benefit or cost to cover

How to apply and deadline

Initial Express of Interest (EoI) can be made by sending a full CV to Prof. Xiaohong W. Gao with "Fellowships" as the Subject title.

The deadline for EoI is 31 July 2024.

Topics: Any research areas related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), such as (but not limited to) the followings:


To apply for British Council Early Career Fellowships, you mush

How many scholarships are available?

There are 4 fellows (12-month each) available. Female applicants are welcome and will have priority.

Personal Data

You must agree for your personal data to be shared with the British Council, who will be jointly responsible with Middlesex University London for allocating the Fellowships.


Please email any team members STEMScholarships@mdx.ac.uk or Prof. Xiaohong W. Gao with "Fellowships" as the Subject if you have any question.

Middlesex University, The Burroughs, Hendon, London NW4 4BT, UK.